- Animals Identificator
- Bolus Guns
- Bull Holders
- Vaccinators and Drenchers
- Castration Equipments
- Dairy Equipment
- Dehorning Equipments
- Hog Catchers
- Hoof and Claw Instruments
- Manual & Automatic Syringe
- Measuring Equipment
- Mouth Gages
- Obstetric Instruments
- Shearing Equipment’s
- Surgical Instruments
- Measuring Equipment
- Veterinary Kits
- Dresses
- Licking Salt
Animal Licking Salt
- These licks are obtained from salt deposits available at the foothills of Himalayan Mountains.
- They are highly natural and moreover, a rich source of minerals and trace elements.
- Life and productivity of the livestock community greatly depends upon lick salt and minerals. As they play a major role in their electrolyte balance.
- This salt comes in two forms. Firstly, a block and secondly, in loose granules
- Colors of blocks reflect their different composition. For instance, white blocks represent sodium chloride, red blocks exhibit a mixture of salt and trace elements. While yellow blocks depict salt with sulfur.
- Animal Himalayan Licking Salt contains 84minerals and traces that are essential for livestock. Himalayan Salt lick is 100% Natural mineral salt lick helps replace lost electrolytes and maintain good health.
ON Demand
- Size, Shape and Weight can be produced
- Private labels and Brand can be placed